Imbolc 🌱🔥

Other Names

Imbolg, Imbolq, Olmeic, Candlemas, Bride Day, Brigid, and Brigid’s Day

Related Holiday

Valentine’s Day


White, Red, Pink, Pale Green


baked goods, butter, cheese, dried fruit, lamb, milk, mutton, seeds, winter vegetables


amethyst, bloodstone, garnet, onyx, ruby, turquoise


candles, cauldron, chalice, cow, sheep, swan


angelica, basil, bay laurel, celandine, snowdrops

Imbolc, the first Cross Quarter Day of the year, falls midway between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox, and between the Wolf Moon and the Snow Moon. As snowdrops, violets, and primrose begin to emerge, this holiday signals the start of spring. Associated with the Celtic Goddess Brigid and once known as Candlemas, Imbolc is a time for lighting candles to celebrate the return of the sun and kindling ritual fires. This season of birth, healing, and inspiration is ideal for vows of dedication and consecration. Embrace the increasing daylight and the coming spring by contemplating what to plant in the year ahead—not just literal plants, but also your wishes, intentions, and goals. Prepare for the planting season by getting ready for spring cleaning and performing house blessings.

  • Sort through your belongings and set aside any that could be donated or thrown away.
  • Cleanse your space with sound ringing bells, clapping hands, playing music-to let the energies that have lain dormant the last couple of months know it is time to start waking up.
  • Open up the blinds and curtains in the morning, and light candles to welcome back the Sun and bring its cleansing brightness into your home.
  • Bless your seed packets, pots, gardening tools, and so on, as well as your car, your computer, yourself, your family, and your pets.
  • Bless your oven, anointing it with rosemary-infused olive oil.
  • Perform a house blessing by sprinkling Moon water and salt throughout your home.
  • Host a candlelight dinner 
  • Create meals with intention for what you want to accomplish in the coming year 
  • Create authentic medieval fare such as roasted meats, hearty breads and old fashion desserts 
  • Take time to meditate or journal in your candlelit room 
  • Take some time to go outside and enjoy the lengthening days and increased sunlight 


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