Tag: Pagan

  • New Year’s Ceremonies

    These are from Mary Katherine Spain. For further information about Mary Katherine and her work ninepillarshealing.com. SACRED FIRE: Fire cleanses us, purifies us. Incorporating fire into a New Year’s ritual is very powerful. Here are a few ideas: Write a letter to 2022 describing the 1) lessons you learned, 2) confessing the hard stuff, 3)…

  • Spiritual Cleansing

    My spirit has become heavy, my burden too great. The earthly and the divine meet to cleanse my spirit. From the center of my heart I release these heavy stones;I release unwanted thoughts;I release all that I have outgrown. I am free of spiritual traps;I am cleansed of my confusion;I am balanced and purified;this pain…

  • A Traditional Nahuatl Prayer

    I release my parents from the feeling that they have failed with me. I release my children from the need to make me proud, so that they can write their own ways, according to their hearts. I release my partner from the obligation to make me feel complete. I lack nothing in myself. I learn…

  • Grounding

    Grounding is a method of consciously reconnecting to the planet. If you’ve been feeling unfocused or “floaty”, the suggestions given here can help. A simple way to ground yourself is to stand, sit, or lie down outside (I take my shoes off for this). The goal is to be as close to the earth as…

  • Calling Back your Power

    With love to all and harm to none,I call back my power from every person, place, or thing,in this lifetime, in this universe, in this galaxy or any other.I call back my power clean, recalibrated, and only belonging to me.So mote it be.

  • The 12 Houses

    your appearance, image, self-identity, how you come across to others cash, property, possessions, values (including how you value yourself) communication, siblings, neighbors, quick trips, early learning, education home, family, all things domestic, where you belong, your past romance, creativity, kids (your own or someone else’s), pursuit of pleasure, love affairs daily routines (including work), health,…