Flower Moon

Other Names: Flower Moon, Planting Moon

Colors: pink, green, red, brown

Magick: love, well-being, enchantment

The May full moon, known as the Flower Moon, illuminates a time when spring is in full bloom, urging us to tend to our lives with care and intention. Under this moon’s enchanting light, nurture your relationships, career, and self-care, ensuring the seeds you’ve planted continue to thrive. The Flower Moon invites you to pause and savor the sweetness of spring, to bask in nature’s lush embrace and celebrate the beauty of rebirth and growth. As blossoms unfold around you, reflect on your own personal growth, appreciating the delicate beauty of life’s small wonders. This moon, enriched with Venus’s loving energy, brings ecstatic joy, the heady fragrance of flowers, and the vibrant colors of a world awakening from winter’s slumber, reminding us not to defer joy but to embrace it fully.